Enable SBA and FW on NVIDIA cards.
You have to be using nvidia drivers, not nv or other provided by
"#" means to do that command as ROOT.
I use "" to separate the commands from the other text, please
don`t type them while you are typing the commands unless specified to
do so.
0) Test if you have them enabled: "cat
/proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status"(without ")
1)Add to /etc/modutils/nvidia or in whatever place you load your nvidia
module( for me, in kernel 2.6.0-test9 it worked in /etc/modprobe.conf).
"options nvidia NVreg_EnableAGPSBA=1
NVreg_EnableAGPFW=1"(without ")
2)Run "update-modules" if you modified a file that requires it.
3)Ctrl+Alt+F1 to switch to text mode.
4)Stop X "#/etc/init.d/gdm(or whatever your display manager is) stop"
5)"#lsmod|grep nvidia" To check if the nvidia module is loaded(it
should be).
"#rmmod nvidia" To remove(close) the module.
"#recheck $lsmod|grep nvidia" To check if it removed
6)Start X "#/etc/init.d/gdm(again, whatever your display manager is)
7)FW(Fast Write) and SBA(Side Band Addressing) should be enabled now,
this should increase your performance.
To check if everything was done correctly: "cat
/proc/drivers/nvidia/agp/status" (without ") it should show FastWrites
and SBA enabled.
Good Luck ;-)